Upcoming dates
24/12/10 Bongiorno office closes for 2010
25/12/10 Christmas Day
26/12/10 Boxing Day
27/12/10 Monday public holiday for Christmas Day (falls on Saturday)
28/12/10 Tuesday public holiday for Boxing Day (falls on Sunday)
01/01/11 New Year’s Day
03/01/11 Monday public holiday for New Year’s Day (falls on Saturday)
04/01/11 Bongiorno office re-opens
26/01/11 Australia Day public holiday
28/02/11 October to December quarterly activity statements due (incl electronic lodgement)
31/03/11 Tax returns due for high tax payers
31/03/11 End of the FBT year – remember to record the kilometres on your work car
28/04/11 March quarter BAS due for lodgement if you are doing your own
12/05/11 March quarter BAS due for lodgement if Bongiorno is preparing it for you
16/05/11 Last day for lodgement of all tax returns that relate to the 2009/2010 year